
Monday, December 2, 2013

We Need High Quality Food Donations Not Just Day Old Pastries

Most food donations from food establishment consist mainly of non perishable items such as bread and pastry. People in starvation mode need protein and produce. The very foods they desperately need are tossed away for fear of spoilage. A simple solution to this is to require each large food establishment to have a special food freezer that all spoilable foods that are destined for the garbage bin simply because they are not "fresh" mind you not bad simply not fresh, be placed in the freezer and frozen on the spot. Thus frozen this food has an incredible life span before it spoils. Then food pantries would be called in to take charge of the distribution of this food in these freezers.. This type of recycling will also save our environment from the incredible burden that is placed on it,by the decomposition of this tremendous amount of food producing an enormous amount of methane gas, a main component of global warming.
So simple,Freeze instead of toss, call in the food pantries to distribute.
This will completely eradicate all hunger in the U.S. We can then use the money freed up from using the food we already have instead of buying new food (like most stores ask ,would you like to donate a dollar to feed the hungry, while they are throwing away over one third of all the food that goes thru their systems) to pay for food to be sent abroad.

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