
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Teach a Child To Bully a Seagull And We Can Kiss World Peace Goodbye

Making sense of the senseless:
Teach a child to bully a seagull and you can kiss world peace goodbye
With the Boston bombing so fresh in mind many people are trying to make sense of what a person can get out of inflicting hurt and horror on such an incredible scale.
inflicting hurt and horror on such an incredible scale.
 The answer lies in our children.
In order to find peace we must teach our children that kindness is the only way.
I live on the beach and have my heart broken each day by watching  innocent gentle seagulls set upon by  bullies.
I have watched adults teach their small children, here watch what I do and then you do it, and
proceed to demonstrate when they run into a group of resting birds, screaming, how the birds all
rise as one terror stricken unit and flee to safety.
Then I watch the child they have taught imitate the exact same action.
 I have been told by these people they are playing with the birds, it is fun for the birds too.
I have read where pedophiles have the exact same justifications of their horrific abuse of their young victims.
No terror from a bully is never fun, at least not for the victim.
 Let us teach our children terror is never justified and never rewarding or fun.
The point I am making here is not to defend seagulls ( although I am doing that also), but to show how by allowing and condoning and encouraging  small cruel behavior to any smaller animal by a child, leads to a child that will also find it perfectly acceptable to bully a smaller child in school, and then to bully a less powerful adult when they become adults.
You never see a parent foolish enough to teach a child to threaten an alligator.
The Boston Bombers grew from such beginnings where cruelty was okay.
Peace comes from within, that is why violence can never be controlled by limiting weapons.
Weapons are the effect, not the cause of violence .
 Take away the gun,and a violent person will use a knife.
Because the weapon  is only a tool the individual uses to play out the the violence within.
The individual is the cause.
Violence is taught and learned .
Turn on your television and you will see that 95% of all shows are murder and violence.
 Where is the line between make believe and reality drawn?
Why is it fun for people to  view shows on murder, rape and torture on a daily basis.
To see them as  a dandy way to wile away the afternoon, immersing themselves in hour after hour of viewing  horror as a casual form of entertainment.
As an adult you might (and even that is stretching it) be able to discern the difference but can a small developing mind have difficulty in seeing when it's on T.V. it's alright, but when you act it out in real life it's wrong 
If you don't want the violence to show up in real life why would you ever view the horror of violence
as fascinating when you watch it on T.V.
So yes teach a child to bully a seagull and you can kiss world peace goodby because it is from
the small acts of cruelty that the large acts of atrocity grow.
Teach your child when  the choice is between cruelty or kindness, always always choose the kindness.
When each of us choose kindness over cruelty,World Peace will reign.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

ISIS is the Bitterest of Fruit From a Damaged Root

Society grows people.
If our society is damaged can we grow good people?
The answer to that is obviously yes.
There are many many good even really superb people that can come out of a damaged society.
If our society is damaged can we grow bad people?
The answer to that is also obvious, yes as in the case with ISIS
Much rhetoric is being thrown around as what we can do to destroy ISIS and their cruelty, by this they mean wipe them out, kill them.
 But then what?
You have only destroyed the bitter fruit and not addressed at all the damaged plant that is growing them.
Yes growing them.
Think through then again to how many children are born each day into the same society that produced their forefathers .
How can we ever think, when we have not addressed the cause for such fruit, that we will not produce an even perhaps bigger crop of the the same kind of  fruit when it is coming from the same tree.
As much as people want to rail out and shout kill them we must realize we are only killing the fruit of the tree not the the tree.
Now am I saying to kill the tree?
 No absolutely not,in fact each and every one of us comprises the tree which is society.
 Some of the most eloquent speakers of our times have said it far better than I could hope to "Darkness does not destroy darkness only light does that."
Now is the light I am speaking of turning the other cheek or trying to reform or change the radical extremists in ISIS?
No the die is already cast in grown individuals, the answer lies always in the children.
Expose our children to a kinder world where there is no hunger and we will change the root of the tree and thus the vine bearing the fruit and thus the fruit produced.
There are three essentials to life and they are food, water and oxygen.
Most of the time the last two are met easily but in the case of the third, food, there is great suffering and pain and death.
This is a very difficult picture to look at it is of a small child in Africa laying in a field slowly starving to death while a vulture waits for his imminent  death so he might devour the child.
Now we with enough money to see this picture on our computers can turn it off.
We can avoid our eyes and say we do not want to see it.
We can put it out of our minds and forget it.
But what of the people that are witnesses to this kind of sight on a day to day basis.
They cannot avert their eyes. They cannot turn it off.
Can we not see where a society that lets this happen is growing anger at affluent well fed citizens that they feel are turning their eyes and their help from them.
Could this not be construed as no empathy for my pain so I will now make you hurt.
I am in no way saying actions taken to hurt in revenge or for other reasons are right.
 In fact they are dead wrong and that is the equal reactions on both ends.
 I am in no way saying to be affluent and well fed is wrong.
 In fact it is very right.
What is wrong and is damaging our society is that those that have so much are not reaching out their hand to help those that are in such pain and suffering.

I firmly believe that if we all reach out to understand where such darkness is coming from and throw in light we will slowly turn our world much much brighter.
It is time now in 2015 to make a vow, not one more death from starvation,
Not one more person twisting in the agony of hunger.
Food for all regardless of borders.
Those that have been hurt the worst turn out to the be the biggest hurters of all when it is in their power to do so.
 A gift of food to even the darkest of minds might tip the scale from hatred to gratitude.
 It has always been my greatest wish to imagine planes flying not to drop bombs but to drop food.
I know it happens I would just like to imagine it happening everywhere all the time.
Food for all might not stop all war, but it would be a very very good start.